Finn siste nytt

Thai Coffee
Even those who don’t like drinking coffee or those who are sensitive to caffeine would agree that the smell of coffee is almost enough to awaken your senses.
19.06.24 by lucia

Falafel er en fritert, flat, ball- eller smultringformet kake laget av enten kikerter eller favabønner, og noen ganger begge deler.
19.06.24 by lucia

Mango Salad
Tangy, fresh and healthy – that’s the best way to describe the Mango Salad.
19.06.24 by lucia

Mad Cheese Burger
Craving for a cheesy and delicious burger? Behold, the mad cheeseburger is here to satisfy your cravings with juicy patty and cheesy goodness.
19.06.24 by lucia

Hva er pesto? Pesto er en saus som stammer fra Genova, hovedstaden i Liguria, Italia. Den er laget med knust hvitløk, basilikum, pinjekjerner, parmesanost, alt blandet med olivenolje.
19.06.24 by lucia

In Spanish, the word “tostadas” can be translated to “toasted ”.
19.06.24 by lucia

French Fries
French fries or or fries is a global snack that is famous for its savoury taste and can be found anywhere, even in the street stalls.
19.06.24 by lucia

Honey Buffalo Wings
Game night is around the corner and what better time to bring out the wings for your guests.
19.06.24 by lucia

In Southeast Asia, this “King of Fruits” needs no introduction. With a reputation for its strong odour and delicious flesh, the fruit attracts locals and tourists alike.
19.06.24 by lucia

Magma Fries
Fries are a great snack that’s perfect for any occasion, and Magma Fries is the answer to all your worries. Food heals the soul, and that is especially true when it comes to fries.
19.06.24 by lucia

Grilled Salmon
Who doesn’t love a good piece of grilled salmon on their plate? Most of us are used to eating sashimi at Japanese restaurants.
19.06.24 by lucia

Ved første øyekast ser kanskje ikke gyros noe annerledes ut enn en kebab – saftig kjøtt gjemt mellom et varmt pitabrød toppet med grønnsaker og saus.
19.06.24 by lucia